Saturday, October 8, 2011

Over half way!!!!

Well, I suck at blogging. But here I am!
So, baby is growing like a champ! The little thing is now the length of a banana and the size of a grapefruit! ALSO, almost weighs a whole pound!! Now that pretty much all of the important things are done developing baby's only main job is to plump up and kick me a lot at night!
Today is the first day that I feel like I look pregnant! When we were at the grocery store earlier Dave asked me if I was sticking my gut out and I wasn't!! We were both kind of excited by that fact.

As you know by now, we had our first ultrasound. It was hands down the most incredible thing I have ever seen. We saw every tiny perfect little part. Hands, feet, arms, legs, FACE, heart, brain... It was just... so amazing. Dave and I had immediate opposite reactions. Him: Holy shit there's a baby in there and I have to take care of it and provide for it!... and Me: Holy shit there's a baby in there and it has all of it's parts and now I can relax! (after about 2 minutes Dave said he turned into an excited and emotional care bear, it was just the initial sight that freaked him right out...)
After all was said and done: baby is the perfect size and is developing right on schedule!

We also just recently had an appointment with our midwife. We listened to the heartbeat again which will NEVER get old, just louder and stronger. We told her about our decision to not have a doula or take birth classes... We were a little nervous that she might not be ok with this but she was totally cool. She said that there isn't a right or wrong way to give birth and that it's all up to us :)  Dave and I are completely positive that we will be just fine. He is all I need. We are ridiculously connected. I have NO fear about it anymore.. I'm actually really excited about it. I feel like it is going to be amazing.

On that note, I am going to go hug Dave.


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