Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Second Trimester!!

I'm now 13 weeks! My weekly email said that #3 is the size of a peach and is growing teeth and vocal chords this week! It's crazy.. Crazy! So many amazing things are going on inside of me when while I'm just minding my own business. 

We had our second prenatal visit with our midwife, Mel. Everything is great. She told me to continue to take a ton of vitamin d. The big big news is that we heard the heartbeat!!!! It took a while to find but we got it! I can say.. it was not nearly as fast as I imagined, but so so cool. It kept moving around. Mel kept saying "oh, we've got a swimmer!"

I'm feeling good. I feel like I have gotten really lucky as far as symptoms go. (I still pee alllll the time but that's about it.) So many people are offering baby stuff to's so great.. we know great people. So far we are getting a crib, swing, car seat and stroller. !!!!!!!!

We bought a little pack of onesies the other day and when I opened it up I just about lost my mind.. how can anything be this tiny?! I guess I'll see!!


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