Saturday, July 23, 2011

Baby the Size of a Prune!

Well, things are going great! My weekly email told me that Little Battjes (or as I like to call him/her "Number 3") is the size of a prune and will double in size over the next week. It also informed me that soon I am going to be feeling really (extra) fat and my skin is going to start breaking out like crazy! OH BOY! haha

I have been reading a great book by a world renowned midwife named Ina May Gaskin. The first half of the book is simply birth stories written by numerous women. The first few stories I read made me want to puke and really scared me... but.. after I read a few more I started to feel really confident. They were making me cry like crazy. I think it's gonna be the best thing I ever do.

My midwife Jenn called the other day to tell me that she got the results of my blood tests. Everything is normal expect my vitamin D and thyroid are low. She has me taking 6,000 IU of vit. D for the next month. To put that into perspective, the normal daily dose is 400 IU. (I'm not really all that shocked about this.. Seattle isn't the sunniest place...) She told me that the low thyroid is normal in early pregnancy but she is going to test me again at my next appointment.

Well, that's about it! Dave and I have been reading like crazy and sorting through all of our junk to make some extra room in the apartment. A coworker is GIVING us a crib and a swing. AWESOME.

:) <3


  1. i loved that book! it scared the crap out of me, so when it came down to actual childbirth i wasn't so shocked and kept thinking "well at least that part of the book didn't happen" best advice she gave "think open" it sounds really strange but it actually helped!

  2. Great! I'm so glad that other people have read her book and found it to be useful. It is really helping me mentally. I'm feeling pretty confident.
